Kdo přispěje?:Dokud dýchám, doufám.
Kdo přispěje?
24. srpna 2012 v 19:28
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
24. srpna 2012 v 19:28
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
24. srpna 2012 v 19:28
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
24. srpna 2012 v 19:28
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
24. srpna 2012 v 19:28
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
24. srpna 2012 v 19:28
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
24. srpna 2012 v 19:27
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
24. srpna 2012 v 19:27
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
24. srpna 2012 v 19:27
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
24. srpna 2012 v 19:27
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
24. srpna 2012 v 19:27
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
24. srpna 2012 v 19:27
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
24. srpna 2012 v 19:27
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
24. srpna 2012 v 19:27
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
24. srpna 2012 v 19:27
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
23. srpna 2012 v 18:20
23. srpna 2012 v 17:01
nekdo ke mne??
Ahoj holky.Chtela by jsem od začátku příštiho mesíce (záři)nekam vycestovat.Jsem z Prahy,no nemám žádnou parťačku....nechtela by se nejaká přidat?Už mne to v Praze nebaví.napište na
23. srpna 2012 v 16:31
aha,tak jo:-D jen se mi to tu předtím nezobrazilo:)
23. srpna 2012 v 16:31
nějak mi nejdou přidávat příspěvky:-/
23. srpna 2012 v 16:27
já nepsala,že je tam vyslali a posílali za nima nebo je za nějakými mexikánci,neuvedla jsem to jn přesně!! Takových nabídek,co ty myslíš, je na internetu plná prdel. Příkladem práce v Dubaji,kde slíbí holce i 300 000kč měsíčně,má bydlet na hotelu a za ní tam posílají zákazníky. Tak to ovšem nefunguje,navíc tam hrozí velké riziko,že je zavřou. Je to špína,známe arabáše...Takže jely tam jako doprovod nějakým českým zákazníkům!!! Ale jezdí i se Slováky a možná výjímečně i s jinými(Němci,Angličani),záleží na kolik jsou důvěryhodní,proklepnou si je.