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otevřít smajllíky
26. srpna 2012 v 14:36
pro míša
taky si myslim ze atheny jsou ted pase a cele řecko ... topi se v dluzich a asi to neni nejlepši destinace momentalne pro praci
26. srpna 2012 v 14:34
pro Míšu
Míšo v Athénách se už moc nevydělává,v Řecku je bída a jde to čím dál tím hůř , byla sem 5let a musela sem odejít,práce už není , mnohem víc si vyděláš v Německu,Švýcarsku a dalších
26. srpna 2012 v 13:15
Také se mi nechce samotné, e-mail:
26. srpna 2012 v 11:37
holky nehledá tady některá z Vas kamaradku na cestováni?? nechci jezdit sama tak kdyby některá na tom byla stejně tak se ozvete. diky
26. srpna 2012 v 11:35
ahojky nechtěla by nějaka spolehlivá slečna jet semnou do athen?? cca na 2/týdny??
26. srpna 2012 v 00:00
Linda pro 30eur...
Jenže oni za to nemužou musíš si uvědomit že češky to nekurvěj kurvěj to rumunky a bulharky,jdi do norimberku a zděsíš se co tam je já tam byla ten den jsem jela domu vše za 20 30 a bez gumy,a ty čubky jim to udělaj protože vedle v kuchyni sedí rumunskej zkurvenej pasák a musej jit za vše,a hlavně jim se to vyplatí on jich tam má třeba 10 takže mužou jít za je to děs a bude huř holky,za rok už se nevydělá nikde to mi věřte už ted jsem tak 3 měsíce neudělala pořádný peníze,a nevěřte že se to po prázdninách změni to už bude v prdeli navždy,at žije zkurvená evropská unie a jejich slavnej schengen
25. srpna 2012 v 22:24
ahoj holky, máte zkušenost s holkou jménem Katy co dělá Mexico a Irsko?
25. srpna 2012 v 17:15
30 eur...
kdysi člověk dělal za 300 eur na hodku, dneska vidím ceny je k pláči..holky..vemte rozum do hrsti..pokud nesnížíte ceny, chlapy budou muset solit..pochopte..stejně budou chlapy chodit pořád..jen pokud holky udrží ceny - můžete dělat za slušné peníze a ne 10 chlapů denně po 50 eurech
25. srpna 2012 v 16:15
TO JE DĚS! mě i 100 e přijde málo :D ZA TO co musíme někdy všechno vydržet .... a pak se najdou také které si daj 30 :D no to je neuvěřitelný, a je to fakt škoda ... souhlasím
25. srpna 2012 v 15:01
jsem normální holka-ale napsala jsem to té slavné Miriam nebo jak si říká slušně..že to není normální!!!a odepsala že má stejně plno na měsíce dopř to bych chtěla vidět..normální holka chce aspon minimum..a ne se sedřít a sbírat výdělek po 15 eurech!!!!!já byla na severu německa-tam chtěli sex bez kondomu!!!přišel mi tam krásný chlap , slušně oblečený - chtěl sex za 30 eur a orál bez-poslala jsem ho někam...i když jsem dělala na mýtné a nedělila bych se - za 30 eur at si trhne to se dneska nedá ani pořádný oběd...škoda holky že jste to takhle pokazily...velká škoda...
25. srpna 2012 v 14:54
no je to humus ... to už nemá úroven ... tak jako je to pravda že to holky dávaj cenu dolů a jsou ochotny udělat vše ... no je to škoda že se to tak kurvííí ta práce - už pomale není místo kde by se dalo pěkně a slušně vydělat
25. srpna 2012 v 14:27
přeci nebudu ,,sexovat,,za 15 eur pro mě!!!!!§je to chyba holek ne chlapů.....holky jsou ochotny za to jít!!!!!§ vzdy to je uplně ubohé...panebože holky kašlete na to.....i 50 eur je almuzna za erotiku.....ale 30!!!!! to uz je pro nemocné.....jsem fakt v je je šílené
25. srpna 2012 v 13:56
taky jsem tam chtěla ale pak jsem se zděsila - 30e a ještě 50/50 takže pro tebe úplný hovno ... no děsný ... ale tedka je to všude příšerný - nejsou lidi jak jsou prázdniny a všichni slevují a slevují že už aji na kase v tescu máš víc a nemusíš nikoho šukat
25. srpna 2012 v 11:54
holky tak jsem hledala něco blízko čr ale ne u nás.Dostala jsem se k nabídce do Dráždan..Ceny 30eur!!!!! za quick..Napsala jsem jim slušně, že to nemůžou myslet vážně!!!ZA 30 EUR SE PRODÁVAT..Odepsali mi že tam mají termíny na několik měsíců prý plné!!
24. srpna 2012 v 19:28
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
24. srpna 2012 v 19:28
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
24. srpna 2012 v 19:28
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
24. srpna 2012 v 19:28
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
24. srpna 2012 v 19:28
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
24. srpna 2012 v 19:28
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
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