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otevřít smajllíky
22. srpna 2012 v 09:18
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
22. srpna 2012 v 09:18
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
22. srpna 2012 v 09:18
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
22. srpna 2012 v 09:18
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
22. srpna 2012 v 09:18
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
22. srpna 2012 v 09:18
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
22. srpna 2012 v 09:18
have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
22. srpna 2012 v 08:55
I have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.
Violetta Pospelova
21. srpna 2012 v 19:30
pro bětule
já sem neřekla,že se nedá vydělat,to ano a bez problému,ale taky ne každá ... tady sou žádaný hlavně hubený holky,blond a čim mladší tim lepší ... ale ted prázdniny bylo o dost slabší,každýmu se peníze o něco snížilo,většinou o půlku ... němci maj do půlky září prázdniny,ale od září už by to mělo bejt zas v pohodě , ale ted slabý
21. srpna 2012 v 19:00
tak tomu věř že se to tam dá vydělat holky neposlouchejte je a jedte tam fakt vyděláte a majitelka je uplně boží
21. srpna 2012 v 17:53
pro bětule
tak to asi těžko holka ... v Mon Cherie je to pěkně slabý o prázdninách,vydělat se dá,ale žádná holka se ted přes 1000euro nedostala,to vim moc dobře,takže zas nepřehánět , kolikrát sou tady holky na nule,takže bych těch tvejch 1200chtěla vidět :D
21. srpna 2012 v 17:07
nejlepší je to stejně v moncherie v mnichově já si tam udělám i 1200eur denně a to nelžu a vše z gumou
21. srpna 2012 v 16:01

Vypadá to solidně a mají dobré ceny pokojů. Otázkou je,kolik z toho máš ty.
21. srpna 2012 v 15:20
ne je to ve st.gallen a wohlen
21. srpna 2012 v 12:55
jo a ta Kateřina Strnadová objíždí podniky jako společnice? u nás pár takových případů bylo a ráno jsme měly vybílené peněženky:-/
21. srpna 2012 v 12:53
Já našla webovky clubu,co se takto jmenuje,ale je to v Leobenu(Rakousko). Nespletla si se?

Jinak,jak už tu bylo zmíněno,dělat přes agenturu je opravdu fajn,mám dvě známé v Praze a vím,že přes nějakou jezdí a přijdou si na super peníze,jen mně to přijde celkem nechráněné. Teď naposledy byly až v Mexicu a to jezdí bez nějaké ochranky,pouze si agentura prověří klienty. Ale mně to přijde nebezpečné. Já pracuju už nějaký rok v jednom klubu na Moravě,v listopadu už budeme fungovat 20 let a nemůžu si stěžovat. Máme dobré provize a když je holka šikovná,tak si vydělá. Ale neposkytujeme ubytování a tím se o nové holky připravujeme. Teď ty prázdniny nic moc,ale minulej podzim byl dobrý,tak snad to bude i tento rok.A vždycky jednou za čas to jedu zkusit na chvíli někde jinde. Líbilo se mi v Mikulově,projetý mám i Zurich. Potom v brně,ale co ten klub předělali a přestěhovali jinde,tak už jsem se tam nějak necítila. Co priváty? je to lepší na privátě nebo v klubu?
21. srpna 2012 v 11:42
někdo zkušenost s Janou Benešovou ?
21. srpna 2012 v 10:41
cau, nemate zkusenosti s podnikem lovehaus ve svycarsku?
21. srpna 2012 v 09:59
21. srpna 2012 v 09:50
Holky, dejte si pozor na KATEŘINU STRNADOVOU !!! Hraje si na chudinku a potom všechny OKRADE !!! Její email : A.althea Tadida : !!!!! Vždy ukradne všem peníze a zmizí !!!!
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