26. ledna 2016 v 20:18
Girls perform topless show on stage.
Girls receive:
Privatedance - 30 € - 1song, 200Dkk
Privatedance - 60 € - 2 songs, 400 Dkk
Privatedance - 90 € - 3 songs, 600 Dkk
Privatedance - 30 min - 180€ / 1200Dkk
Privatedance 60 min - 360€ / 2400Dkk
Girls have to speak English.
Girls get 10% from consummation
Girls pay 150DKK/20€ per night for accommodation, and girls have to bring their own BED LINEN.
Girls work 6 nights a week from 20.00 until 03.00 mon-wen ,and 22.00 until 05.00 thur- Saturday
Girls are free on Sunday.
In our club we have 0 tolerance for drugs and prostitution.
Girls have to be dressed sexy and elegant DREESSES.
No house fee
Girls are not obligated to drink alcohol.
Girls are not obligated to live in the dancers accommodation.
Club don’t pay for airfare.