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otevøít smajllíky
28. srpna 2012 v 13:17
super posuk ta violetta udelejte s tim neco
28. srpna 2012 v 13:17
super posuk ta violetta udelejte s tim neco
28. srpna 2012 v 13:17
super posuk ta violetta udelejte s tim neco
28. srpna 2012 v 13:17
super posuk ta violetta udelejte s tim neco
28. srpna 2012 v 13:17
super posuk ta violetta udelejte s tim neco
28. srpna 2012 v 13:17
super posuk ta violetta udelejte s tim neco
28. srpna 2012 v 13:17
super posuk ta violetta udelejte s tim neco
28. srpna 2012 v 12:44
Linda pro Love House
A mu¾e¹ napsat mìsto?
28. srpna 2012 v 11:32
Love House
Love House pro Lindu
Vzhledem k tomu,¾e je v mé nabídce napsáno kolik mají dìvèata za hodinu "150,-Euro" tak se ka¾dé dívce vyplatí dìlat na míto.Je to tak,¾e ka¾dá se bojí a chce 50/50 a po dvou dnech okam¾itì pøecházejí na míto:-) Dìvèata mají okolo 10 a¾ 15 klientù za den,od rychlovek a¾ po hodinové klienty.V prùmìru si vydìlávají 900,-Euro za den. Majitel je Nìmec!
28. srpna 2012 v 11:13
Linda pro Love House
Mu¾e¹ mi prosím tì napsat v jakém je to mìstì?proto¾e 100eur dennì to u¾ jsem dlouho neza¾ila to si mu¾ou dovolit leda tak Passau nebo Regensburg ale dál se platí tak 50 60 tak¾e proto asi i tìch 50na50 proto¾e ví¹ ¾e to kilèo ti tam nikdo nevydìlá,vím ¾e mi ted bude¹ oponovat ale já u¾ mám v¹e pro¹lé tak¾e vím ¾e 100 dennì u¾ není skoro nikde,a hlavnì jsem zjistila ¾e jak to maj èe¹i nebo jiní tak to tam stojí za prd,v¾dy je nejlep¹í kdy¾ je majitel nìmec ty nejsou tak hamtaví a jdou holkám na ruku tohle forum je stejnì jedna velká propagace snad tìch nejhor¹ích pajzlu a to bez urá¾ky ale je to tak
28. srpna 2012 v 09:39
sex bez ochrany
28. srpna 2012 v 09:39
sex bez ochrany
holky já byla na severu vedle Hannovru a mù¾u potvrdit zcela narovinu a upøímnì, ¾e po mì více ne¾ polovina klientù chtìla sex bez ochrany!! u¾ jsem to tady psala. Já na nì koukala s otevøenou pusou, oni jsou na to normálnì zvyklý..!!!!! I kdy¾ jsme jim s kamarádkou øekly, ¾e v ¾ádném pøípadì, stejnì na pokoji byli otravní a vy¾adovali to....Hrùza
28. srpna 2012 v 09:34
Love House
Nabízím práci na zabìhlém Love House v Nìmecku.700km od Prahy,cestu sem i zpìt zajistíme.Ceny kolem 75 pùl hodiny,150 hodina+nadstandartní slu¾by.Mo¾nost 50%/50%,nebo 100,-Euro za den míto a v¹e jde do vás.Veliká náv¹tìvnost a velmi vysoké výdìlky oproti klubùm a privátùm.Pro více informací mì neváhejte kontaktovat na
28. srpna 2012 v 09:33
vemte mu nìkdo tu hraèku!Violeta Pospelová nám pí¹e z Bohnic!!!
28. srpna 2012 v 09:27

have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.

have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a
28. srpna 2012 v 09:27

have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.

have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a
28. srpna 2012 v 09:26

have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.

have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a
28. srpna 2012 v 09:26

have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.

have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a
28. srpna 2012 v 09:26

have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.

have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a
28. srpna 2012 v 09:26

have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a desire of a client.

have 1-year experience as escort. The amount of my clients was about 15, because I had have 10 permanent clients during that period of time, and some clients were from the rest of girls, when I substituted for them for one time. Usually I had one or two clients for a day, maximum was three, but it was really only twice. My service was called "girlfriend experience", because my clients could take me away for a whole day or weekend, so dinners and parties I also have in my practice. But fetish and sm I've not tried, anal and group sex was also not very popular, but I dont have anything against them. I had only group sex with one girl and one man, but its also not a big problem to have two boys, if its a
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